In May 2009, I had the pleasure of being snatched up by Bevy Smith to attend New York city’s H&M Fashion Against Aids event where U.K. native and NY adopted daughter Estelle hosted a trendy set of fashion muses, style setters and H&M loyalistas for a night of Belvedere cocktails and shopping. The event was to promote H&M’s ongoing Fashion Against Aids initiative, which in conjunction with Designers Against Aids (www.designersagainstaids.com), collaborates on collectable tees and tops sold in H&M stores around the globe. The initiative targets young adults using elements from pop culture (music, fashion, design, arts, sports, film, celebrities, etc). More impressive than the guest list which included muse Andre J, was the fact that 25% of the line’s sales have been donated to organizations like Youth Aids. Past celebrity collaborations have included Rihanna, Ziggy Marley, Timbaland, Good Charlotte, The Cardigans, and Rufus Wainwright. The campaign was even nominated for a Webby! So, after a few passes at the appetizer trays and checking out the tees, I grabbed a quick and quiet moment with Estelle (lovely girl!) who informed me that the new CD will (fingers crossed) be out in September 2009! I can’t wait. But until then check out one of my favs…..
GET DOWN is not just a PSA, it’s a movement!
In peace and progress,
Kim J. Ford
Email us: getdownpsa2008@gmail.com